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private customers
98% of all households have at least one smartphone or tablet. Many people find it difficult to get started or they are afraid of making mistakes with the complex and extensive hardware.
We support entire families of all generations in the purchase and integration of smartphones, computers and tablets in everyday life and show how children, parents and grandparents can stay in touch digitally and how technology can support personal interests and make routines easier.
Contact us today. All of our courses and services are individually tailored to you. We can discuss your needs in a personal phone call.
For families
Technology connects. Especially in today's times, the networking of all family members among themselves is very important. Together, families discover with us the possibilities of staying in touch with technology. In addition, we support parents in setting up their computers and mobile phones in a way that is suitable for children and specifically address the issue of family sharing, so that your children can grow up healthily in a controlled environment with modern technology.

Generations and modern technology
Many older people are afraid of contact with today's technology, which could be used to support them in everyday life. Be it as a mobile shopping list, appointment calendar, alarm clock or as a digital newspaper.
We support you with product advice, commissioning and train you on how to use the devices
Setup, commissioning, data transfer
We support the data transfer so that all your data is also available on the new device. In addition, there are no hours of setting up with us, we explain all the important settings and within minutes your beloved device is ready for use.
The appropriate basic course can of course be booked at the same time.

Many courses on exciting topics
Are you on the way to buying a new tablet, smartphone, smartwatch or computer, but don't know which product is the right one? We are on the spot and support you either by phone, video chat or directly in the specialist trade on site. In this way, you receive optimal advice and save yourself the hassle of searching for annoyed customer advisors in the electronics retailer.
We also help with the commissioning of the device and with a possible data transfer.
Small repairs
Small repairs can be ordered from us. It doesn't matter whether it's a cracked display or an old battery. We will restore your device so that you can access and save your data without any problems.

product consultations
Are you on the way to buying a new tablet, smartphone, smartwatch or computer, but don't know which product is the right one? We are on the spot and support you either by phone, video chat or directly in the specialist trade on site. In this way, you receive optimal advice and save yourself the hassle of searching for annoyed customer advisors in the electronics retailer.
We know which product perfectly suits you, your requirements and needs.
It is not uncommon for people with disabilities to feel that they are not supported enough when it comes to answering specific questions and requirements. Too few people in their own environment know enough to be able to solve challenges with today's modern technology.
We offer special courses on all aspects of operating aids: for the deaf, mute, blind and people with motor disabilities.
Do not be shy and contact us so that we can offer you a tailor-made and personal service.